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Writer's pictureDejyah YisraÈL

Biblical Womanhood: Embracing family life as a wife and mother

The Most High outlined His order for the family which is the father, the mother, and the children. This is the fullness of YAH’s creation and intention for us as His creation. It’s no wonder why the world tries to destroy it every chance it gets. Since I am a new wife and mother, I’ve spent a lot of time studying the role of husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and children. 

The Most High gave each person in the family a specific role which contributes to the overall wellbeing of their home, community, and our nation as a whole. I plan to dive into this topic more in depth, so for now, I will provide a brief synopsis of the Biblical expectations for a wife and a mother.

The Role of Wives in the Family

  • Be a help meet to your husband - Genesis 2:18

  • Be good to your husband, not evil - Proverbs 31:12

  • She builds up her house and doesn’t tear it down - Proverbs 14:1

  • She adorns herself in modest apparel - 1 Timothy 2:9-12

  • She learns in silence with all subjection - 1 Timothy 2:9-12, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

  • She doesn’t usurp authority over her man - 1 Timothy 2:9-12

  • Her desire is to her man - Genesis 3:16

  • She submits to her own man - Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18

  • She has reverence for her man - Ephesians 5:33

  • She guides her house - 1 Timothy 5:14

  • She doesn't give occasion to the adversary - 1 Timothy 5:14

  • She’s given power over her body to her husband - 1 Corinthians 7:4

  • She’s sober - Titus 2:4-5

  • She loves her man - Titus 2:4-5

  • She’s discreet and chaste - Titus 2:4-5

  • She’s a homemaker - Titus 2:4-5

  • She’s good and obedient to her own man - Titus 2:4-5

  • Her husband’s heart safely trusts in her - Proverbs 31:10-11

  • She’s a hard worker - Proverbs 31:13, 15

  • She’s a friend and companion to her man - Sirach 40:23

  • She’s kind - 1 Corinthians 7:3

The Role of Mothers in the Family

  • She’ll be safe in childbearing if she and her husband continue in faith and love and holiness with sobriety - 1 Timothy 2:15

  • She hears the Word of The Most High and does it - Luke 8:21

  • She nourishes her children - Ezekiel 19:2, 2 Esdras 2:25

  • She cherishes her children - 1 Thessalonians 2:7

  • She’s a teacher - Songs of Solomon 8:2

  • She’s not lazy - Proverbs 31:27-28

  • She comforts her children - Isaiah 66:13

  • She possesses wisdom and kindness - Proverbs 31:25-26

  • She embraces her children, brings them up with gladness, and naked their feet as fast as a pillar - 2 Esdras 2:15

  • She’s joyful with her children - 2 Esdras 2:30

What if you are unmarried without children?

Your role in YAH's plan is no less important without a family of your own, and I think that's a super important point to make. Yes, being a wife and mother is super fulfilling and does edify YAH's Kingdom, but there's so much that can be done outside of the realm of being married and birthing children. Being unmarried means you have unrestricted time to dedicate to YAH and the purpose He has given you. Whether that be starting a business, being charitable, or focusing on purposes He has outlined for you, there's much that can be done for the glory of YAH.

If you do seek to be married and have children one day, this is the perfect time to prepare your heart and mind for that purpose. Maybe take up a new hobby or learn something new. Spend this time in refinement, shedding the ways of old and focusing on the new person YAH is creating you to be.

It is my prayer that all women feel fulfilled in the journey YAH has placed them on, and that no matter what they do, they do all things that are pleasing and acceptable to our Father.

This article was written by Dejyah Yisrael. Read more on or

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